Hotels in Bansko

Es gibt eine Vielzahl an Urlaubsorten in Bulgarien, aber einer der beliebtesten Reiseziele bei sonnenklar.TV ist Bansko. Finden Sie Ihr Bulgarien-Schnäppchen und profitieren Sie von dem direkten Preisvergleich dutzender Top Reise-Veranstalter!

Evelina Palace (tt)
Evelina Palace

Bulgarien - Bulgarien (Landesinnere) - Bansko

Hotel: Situated in one of the most charming places in Bansko. Located on the west coast of Glazne river it''s on the main road to the cabin lift and about 100 m from the city center. Built in the typical Bulgarian architecture for the region, this stylish hotel provides elegant and relaxing atmoshpere to its guests. Very close to the center of Bansko, it offers a total of 47 rooms and apartments, a classical restaurant with exquisite service and rich menu of Bulgarian and European cuisine. Further facilities include: spa center, indoor pool, fitness, sauna, various massages, table tennis, bea

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