Benal Beach apartamentos

 Spanien - Benalmádena
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Hotel: This charming apartment complex features a convenient location on the Mediterranean coast, some 40 kilometres from the lively city of Marbella and a short driving distance from Malaga. Pablo Ruiz Picasso-Malaga International Airport is just around 10 kilometres away and guests will find different public transport links located a few paces away. The vibrant Puerto Marina area with plenty of great restaurants to choose from is just a 15-minute walking distance, while the beach is just 100 metres from this enchanting property. Ranging from cosy studios to the spacious 1-bedroom apartment, the accommodation units feature breathtaking views over the ocean and come completely equipped to provide a home away from home. Surrounded by a large area of private gardens and beautiful artificial lakes, this property includes a magnificent pool area as well as a state-of-the-art fitness centre with spa for guests'' convenience.
. (* Sorry, this information is not available in the selected language and is shown in EN)

Lage: This charming apartment complex features a convenient location on the Mediterranean coast, some 40 kilometres from the lively city of Marbella and a short driving distance from Malaga. Pablo Ruiz Picasso-Malaga International Airport is just around 10 kilometres away and guests will find different.... (* Sorry, this information is not available in the selected language and is shown in EN)

Wichtiger Hinweis: Bei planmäßiger Ankunft im Zielgebiet ab 04:00 Uhr morgens steht das Hotelzimmer am Ankunftstag erst ab der offiziellen Check-In-Zeit des jeweiligen Hotels zur Verfügung. Ebenso ist die offizielle Check-Out-Zeit des Hotels am Tag der Abreise einzuhalten. Bei planmäßigen Rückflügen bis Mitternacht ist die offizielle Check-Out-Zeit des Hotels am Tag der Abreise einzuhalten. Früh-Check-In bzw. Spät-Check-Out können je nach Verfügbarkeit und gegen einen Aufpreis über unser Service Team hinzugebucht werden.

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